Prostatitis: symptoms and treatment at home

There are many diseases that can affect men today. But the strong half often tries to remain silent about their illnesses and in most cases allows them to slip.

Prostatitis is one of the problems that require urgent intervention, competent consultation and timely treatment. Otherwise, it can lead to irreparable consequences that will affect the whole body.

Consult a specialist for prostatitis

Causes of prostatitis

The development of prostatitis begins with the entry of an infection into the prostate, which forms a metabolic disease. There are many possible causes of the disease, try to emphasize the basics of the bride:

  1. Circulatory disorders, resulting in enlargement of the prostate. However, a sedentary lifestyle, including problems with excess weight, can lead to circulatory disorders;
  2. An infectious lesion that can be caused by diseases such as urethritis or gonorrhea. In rare cases, even sore throat, tuberculosis or flu can cause prostatitis;
  3. Inflammation of the prostate can occur as a result of unprotected sex;
  4. As a result of various injuries to the pelvic organs. Initially, there is a violation of blood circulation, and as a result, the disease itself develops;
  5. Persistent hypothermia, chronic diseases of the body's urogenital system, hormonal imbalance or irregular urination;
  6. If a man leads a sedentary lifestyle and does virtually no physical activity, it affects the functioning of the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems. As a result of this phenomenon, blood circulation in the pelvic organs slows down and the growth of pathogenic bacteria increases;
  7. a sedentary lifestyle that leads to the development of prostatitis
  8. Secondary infection can lead to infections in the urethra or rectum;
  9. The tendency to develop prostatitis can lead to chronic constipation. Irregular bowel movements sometimes lead to prostate infection;
  10. Weak immunity, as a result of which infections easily enter the body and take root there;
  11. Often, prostatitis can be triggered by past venereal diseases or urological infections.

Types and symptoms of prostatitis in men

In general, there are 4 main types of prostatitis in men:

  • acute form- very rare. The cause of this type is an infection caused by a bacterial infection. The acute form is very difficult and painful. The main symptoms should be fever, sharp pains and weakness on all sides of the body. This stage requires immediate medical treatment, otherwise it can lead to serious complications;
  • chronic bacterial form- Escherichia coli is often the cause. The symptomatology is somewhat similar to the acute form, but is now slower;
  • chronic form- is accompanied by painful sensations for several months, but the pathogenic form does not occur during testing;
  • asymptomatic form- There are practically no symptoms, but it is determined by a doctor's examination.
normal and enlarged prostate with prostatitis

In most cases, the manifestation of the disease begins one day when men have unpleasant feelings:

  1. Acute pain in the lower abdomen. It can be both visible and persistent during urination;
  2. Pain in the perineum;
  3. Severe pain in scrotum;
  4. The duration of sexual intercourse is significantly reduced;
  5. There is no spontaneous erection in the morning and at night.

Diagnosis of the disease

If men find any of these symptoms, you should seek professional help immediately.

The point is that the sooner the correct diagnosis is made, the sooner treatment will begin and the disease will continue more easily.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out in several stages:

Laboratory diagnosis of prostatitis
  • the specialist should analyze the patient's main complaints and carefully study the symptoms;
  • In the absence of an acute form of prostatitis, analysis of prostate secretion should be performed. Otherwise, it is impossible to do so, because it will be accompanied by strong painful feelings;
  • an ultrasound examination may be scheduled to confirm the analysis;
  • various tests of urine and blood.

You should also be aware that there are diseases that occur in secret. Due to the lack of symptoms, it is almost impossible to detect a problem in time.

This makes the disease chronic. According to statistics, only 25% of men see a urologist regularly. Everyone else is 100% confident in their perfect health.

Treatment of prostatitis at home

Prostate massage is prescribed for almost all prostatitis treatments. This is not a very pleasant procedure, and some men even consider it degrading.

But only doctors are convinced that it is one of the most effective. This massage is performed both in the hospital and at home. You just need a special device for your home.

Medication for prostatitis

Treatment of any form of the disease is incomplete without drug treatment. It is very common for professionals to prescribe antibiotics that make the patient happy. Why is this phenomenon observed?

And the truth is that many are simply afraid of the consequences of these drugs. This is true, but you must remember that prostatitis is an inflammatory process, and the substances that cause it are sometimes impossible to destroy in any other way.

Therefore, it is undesirable to abandon them. Here it is important for a specialist to prescribe this or that drug by studying the test results and the form of the disease.

Until the results of the study are ready, treatment is based on the use of anti-inflammatory, analgesic or other drugs.

Remember that it is advisable to take probiotics during a course of antibiotics. Thus, you can warn yourself against dysbiosis or other negative consequences.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine plays an important role in the treatment of prostatitis. But you should not give them a leading role. Any herb and infusion should complement the comprehensive treatment and should not be the basis of it. The most popular recipes for treatment:

Pumpkin seeds for the treatment of prostatitis
  1. You will need herbs to prepare the next infusion: parsley, juniper, dill, licorice and chamomile. Take them in equal proportions and fill with ½ liters of boiled water. Infuse the broth for a few hours, then take half a glass twice a day before meals. Add a little honey if you like;
  2. Take the following herbs in equal proportions: nettle, yarrow, dill (fruit), horsetail. Pour boiling water over it, infuse for 3 hours and then take half a glass twice a day;
  3. Pumpkin seeds. Wrap a pound of fresh, peeled pumpkin seeds in a meat grinder. Then combine them with 200 grams of honey. Mix everything well and fold into balls. Their size should not exceed the size of a hazelnut. It is better to keep such balls in the refrigerator. But half an hour before meals, you should eat more than twice a day.

Review of folk remedies for prostatitis

  • A 46-year-old man said: "It so happened that two years ago I was diagnosed with this unpleasant disease. The pain that accompanied it was sometimes unbearable. In addition to a course of medication, I was advised to take treatment at the same time with traditional medicine. The treatment lasted about a month. Fortunately, there has been no sign of a return to prostatitis for two years. "
  • Review of a 35-year-old man: "I have a stage of chronic prostatitis. Among the folk remedies I rely on pumpkin seeds and nettle infusion. The treatment requires patience, but the result is quite effective. "

How to treat chronic prostatitis

sports for prostatitis

We must not forget that any treatment must be comprehensive. And under no circumstances should you interrupt him at first.

In addition to prescribed medications, physiotherapy procedures and physiotherapy exercises should also be mandatory. The appointment of treatment should always be individualized, taking into account the results of tests and examinations conducted by a specialist.

Sometimes thermotherapy is prescribed for chronic prostatitis. During the procedure, the prostate gland is heated to 45 degrees.

In addition, an important role in this form is given to massage procedures, which are known as one of the most effective methods.

Exacerbation of chronic prostatitis: signs of what to do

The following symptoms may indicate an exacerbation of a chronic form of prostatitis:

  1. Urine is frequent and accompanied by sharp pain. In addition, there may be false urges to go to the toilet, and sometimes pain in the lower abdomen persists;
  2. The erection is very weak and a complete absence can be observed over time;
  3. Lack of orgasm.
Consult a doctor for symptoms of prostatitis

In addition to the main symptoms, you may see increased nervousness and worsening of well-being. If you have an exacerbation of a prostatitis, you should immediately do the following:

  1. Get advice from a specialist. This should be done when at least one of the above symptoms appears. During the visit, you will pass all the necessary tests, which will determine the correct treatment;
  2. Eat a healthy diet. Eliminate fried foods, salty, alcoholic, sour fruits and strong coffee or tea from your diet. Prefer protein foods and vitamins;
  3. Temporarily restrict sexual intercourse. This should be done to avoid aggravating the course of the disease;
  4. Exercise to help improve blood circulation in your body.

Question and answer

What can happen if prostatitis is not treated?

Ignoring prostatitis treatment can lead to the most serious problems. It will initially take a chronic form and only then can it lead to diseases such as cystitis, prostate adenoma, vesiculitis or pyelonephritis. The most terrible result can be impotence and complete sterility.

Is Prostatitis Treated With Herbs?

Such treatment is not excluded. The best helpers here are St. May contain St. John's wort, licorice root, echinacea extract. You can also buy candles that contain one of these herbs.

Is it necessary to do a rectal prostate massage in a chronic form?

Experience shows that many clinics abroad have already opted for such a procedure, preferring physiotherapy. This massage can be a little uncomfortable, but the disadvantage is that it can only work with the lower part of the prostate. However, more and more specialists are resorting to this form of treatment.

Prevention measures

If you already have a chronic form of prostatitis, all prophylaxis should be aimed at preventing its inflammation.

running and active lifestyle to prevent prostatitis

Therefore, try to omit or minimize the following actions:

  1. Alcoholic beverages. Of course, this does not mean that they should be completely excluded from the diet. If you drink a little red wine, it won't hurt you, but that doesn't mean you have to drink it in bottles;
  2. Smoking. The problem is that the prostate gland often suffers from oxygen starvation due to poor blood supply. Tobacco smoke causes vasospasm and therefore seriously affects the blood circulation;
  3. Start leading an active lifestyle;
  4. Stressful situations. Try not to dwell on problems for a long time and do not "keep" an unnecessary temple in your head. Spend more time with your family, which should be the best antidepressant;
  5. Try to avoid hypothermia. If you are driving your own car, make sure the seat is heated;
  6. Remember that vigorous physical activity can do no less harm than a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, everything should be normal;
  7. Products such as pumpkin seeds, nuts, garlic, honey, prunes can be a good prevention of the disease;
  8. Start taking a contrast shower, which is especially recommended before sex;
  9. Try to have sex, avoid incomplete sex;
  10. Try to eat properly, add ketchup, mayonnaise, etc. Cut out all salty foods, including.

As a result, I would like to note that any treatment for prostatitis should be systematic and should begin only after the advice of a specialist. Given the serious consequences that can have serious consequences, do not allow it to go its own way.